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So... I have found that riding a stationary bike can be quite...well boring. The first few weeks it wasn't because I thought I was going to die! That kept me somewhat interested. Now I ride for over an hour and frankly it gets stale. So ask me! Go ahead...Ask!
What do you do to help the boredom pass? I'm glad you are some of my favorite things to do while riding a bike bound for nowhere.
Ride for your life: While riding one day, I noticed the mirror straight ahead of me. I wasn't to enthused with seeing my sloppy, sweaty self exercising until I realized that I could also see a bunch of people behind me that appeared to be chasing me! I quickly developed a sense of determination to outrun them... even despite their crazy looking running machines (Eliptical trainers). I ride as fast as I can and manage to keep about the same distance from them throughout the ride. You might not think it is very scary having a bunch of petite 30 something age women chasing you down in pony tails and spandex...but when the sun is just right all you can see are silhouttes, and well their is your occasional creepy old guy chasing me too. I always seem to outrun them all.
80's rock star: My iPod is full of 80's dance music, it has a good beat and well its what I have on mp3. Sometimes during a long ride a song like "Ice,Ice Baby" will come on, and this is when the magic happens. I start by swaying back and forth in my bike seat, then I start bobbing my head to the beat. I mouth the words, but obviously I dont sing them outloud...that would be embarrassing. I do small hand the "rock on" symbol and the peace sign past my eyes "Prince" style. Then If I look around and nobody is looking, I look all around me to the beat..staring off one way and snapping my head the other...It is really sweet and a good use of my time. That is until one day my iPod cut out and I realized that my "word mouthing" sounded alot like a wheezing rhino in heat...and my moves in that mirror I discussed above, looked like I was having convulsions! So... thats why people stop and ask me if I'm ok.
More to come...stay tuned.