
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Why me? Why now??

So... The title of this BLOG needs some explaining. I'm fat. Oops did I make you uncomfortable with that? I'm not angry about it, or in some fantasy land of disillusion or anything. When I woke up this morning, I realized that telling people that I have been stung by a bee and swelled up isn't really working at my size anymore (although I still love to see kids faces when I say it) I am a regular guy that is addicted to bad food for really bad reasons. It's OK though, its only temporary... in fact it's falling off of me by the bucket full right now and I'm determined to keep it up. In fact that is one of the reasons for this BLOG. BUT WAIT THERE"S MORE! there are many types of scales and measurement and this is really about all of them and how a regular guy finally sees a light at the end of a long frustrating tunnel that has been his life. I'm doing it by throwing away conventional thinking! Throwing away other peoples measuring tools and prejudices, throwing away my own negative and limiting thoughts and ideas, and I threw away that DAMN scale. You know the one...the one that tells you that you lost 10lbs one week. and then gain 13lbs the next, eating celery and laying in a puddle of sweat and diet cola. Listen...It's working, stay with me and share my journey...

Why me?

I have spent the majority of  my life wondering? There are "extraordinary" or "special" things that have happened to me, or for that matter they are even a part of me (my parents almost named me "Special Ed"). I state that as fact, not opinion. I have had many completely unbiased friends and family tell me to write books on my experiences, and who knows... maybe someday I will. Does that sound full of myself? Let me put it differently, I am lucky to have lived through some of my experiences, brushes with death, strange occurrences, and once in a lifetime opportunities. I marvel at other peoples experiences and try to learn all that I can from them. We truly live in an extraordinary world filled with wondrous things and special people. That is exactly NOT the reason I'm writing this.

Why now??

Not too long ago I realized that the very thing that made me "not so special" is probably the most important thing I could write about. Weird huh? I looked around and noticed the reality of my life and the common threads that I have, and saw that in many ways my life is no different that everyone else's. There was no single monumental event, It took coaxing, It took sorrow and loss in my life, it took nearly killing myself with anxiety and poor health, it took realizing that not everyone can go on a TV show to lose their weight and change their lives and maybe win a lot of money. Why now? It had to be now, its the only time we have... yesterday is gone (except our memories) and tomorrow may never come. So I'm starting now. (well I started months ago..but I'm writing about it now and from now on)

So... Please allow me the generically introduce myself:

a Father (6 kids, some adopted, all spoiled)
a Husband, with a beautiful wife that has saved me from many of the things in my past
Been divorced
42yrs old (43 in a couple of days)
I have weighed as much as 409lbs.
I am 6'1''
Been successful in business but have never been financially rich
I have been shot at, cheated on, laughed at, underestimated, hurt, made an example of, lied to, ignored, whispered about, demoralized.
I have also been, loved, understood, praised, lifted up, befriended, admired, awarded and congratulated.
Don't ask me how much weight I have lost if you want a number, I don't look at scales but I can tell you I have lost a lot, and need to lose alot more....

Please look for my many posts to this BLOG that are on their way. It is my sincere hope that this could help just one person skip some of the pain I have felt along my journey OR Make just one person laugh when they need it most.

Talk to ya soon!